MAUSD School Budget Update

School budgets are always complex and have been even more so this year following legislative changes to how schools are funded in Vermont.  On March 5th, MAUSD residents will vote on two articles: Article 9 requesting authorization to purchase the current central office building and Article 10 concerning approval of the 24-25 budget.  To help residents make informed decisions on these two articles, a variety of resources that provide additional details on the budget and central office can be seen online here: Additionally, the school board has produced a relatively brief presentation (~17min) that provides direct context and rationale for the proposed budget and the board's recommendation to approve the purchase of the central office.  To view this summary presentation directly, please click here:  Ultimately, we hope that these resources can help everyone better understand the budget and central office articles so that we as a community can make informed decisions about MAUSD's future.